OS Arabic Illustrations

OS Arabic Illustrations A fortified system of beliefs that affect our spirit, soul, and body. These beliefs influence our mind, will, and emotions affecting our words, attitude, and behavior. نظام محصن من المعتقدات التي تؤثر على الروح، والنفس، والجسد. هذه المعتقدات تؤثر في أذهاننا، وإرادتنا، وعواطفنا مما يؤثر في كلماتنا، وتوجهنا، وسلوكنا. [...]

OS Arabic Illustrations2018-05-02T20:02:41+00:00

OS Chinese Illustrations

OS Chinese Illustrations A fortified system of beliefs that affect our spirit, soul, and body. These beliefs influence our mind, will, and emotions affecting our words, attitude, and behavior. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,… 2Co 10:4 NKJV [...]

OS Chinese Illustrations2018-05-02T20:02:05+00:00

OS German Illustrations

OS German Illustrations A fortified system of beliefs that affect our spirit, soul, and body. These beliefs influence our mind, will, and emotions affecting our words, attitude, and behavior. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,… 2Co 10:4 NKJV [...]

OS German Illustrations2018-05-02T20:01:25+00:00

OS Italian Illustrations

OS Italian Illustrations A fortified system of beliefs that affect our spirit, soul, and body. These beliefs influence our mind, will, and emotions affecting our words, attitude, and behavior. Queste credenze influenzano la nostra mente, volontà ed emozioni, che a loro volta influenzano le nostre parole, il nostro attegiamento, e il nostro comportamento. [...]

OS Italian Illustrations2018-05-02T20:00:48+00:00

OS Korean Illustrations

OS Korean Illustrations A fortified system of beliefs that affect our spirit, soul, and body. These beliefs influence our mind, will, and emotions affecting our words, attitude, and behavior. Queste credenze influenzano la nostra mente, volontà ed emozioni, che a loro volta influenzano le nostre parole, il nostro attegiamento, e il nostro comportamento. [...]

OS Korean Illustrations2018-05-02T19:59:20+00:00

OS Spanish Illustrations

OS Spanish Illustrations A fortified system of beliefs that affect our spirit, soul, and body. These beliefs influence our mind, will, and emotions affecting our words, attitude, and behavior. Un sistema fortificado de creencias que afectan a nuestro espritu, alma y cuerpo. Estas creencias influyen a nuestra mente, voluntad y emociones que [...]

OS Spanish Illustrations2018-05-02T20:00:21+00:00
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